Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Legos Have Invaded

David pulled out his cherished childhood tub-o-legos this week. And it has been fun for all, yes I will admit to building a few trucks, spaceships and accessorizing the entire lego army with heads, legs and helmets. But I will have to say that what I heard Noah ask David today after nap will probably rank up there with the absolute best things a daddy could hear his little boy say, "Can we play with Legos now, Daddy? Please."


ReBeCcA said...

thats so awesome! Nate would have LOVED to join in!

Travis said...

Sounds like our family. My brother and I still have all of our old sets at my parents house. This past Christmas and birthday all Abel wanted were LEGOs!


Angela said...

Yes, I could totally hear Abel saying that to Travis as I read it! The good thing about LEGOs is that they don't take up too much space and they hold the kids' attention for the longest time! Happy building. :-)

Joel Scholten said...

I can't believe how big Noah's Getting! Holy junk! What a fun post.

Kerry said...

My brother's old legos are out at my mom and dad's house and Henry LOVES playing with them. I'll admit that I like it a lot more with the fun guys too. We have space guys, knights, and pirates. Fun stuff!